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    Devil's Food
    Devil's Food
    A Corinna Chapman Mystery
    If there's one thing that Corinna Chapman, baker extraordinaire and proprietor of the Earthly Delights Bakery, can't abide, it's people not eating well - particularly when there are delights like her very own, just-baked, freshly buttered sourdough bread to enjoy. So when a strange cult which denies the flesh and eats only famine bread turns up, along with a body which is found in a park, dead of malnutrition, Corinna is very disturbed indeed. But she doesn't only have that to contend with: her hippie mother, Starshine, has turned up out of the blue, hysterical that Sunlight, Corinna's father, has absconded to Melbourne with all their money and a desire for a new young lover; someone is poisoning people with weight loss herbal teas; and then there are odd things happening at the nearby Cafe Vlad Tepes, which attracts a very strange clientele indeed. Altogether, it's a delicious recipe for murder, mayhem and mystery.
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    UK£ 23.99

    Book Author
    Kerry Greenwood
    Genre Crime & Thrillers , Fiction
    Allen & Unwin Book Publishers
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    Up to 20 business days (?)

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